
2024-05-04 01:06:12 浏览:110
  最近了解到腾讯19-20赛季暂停播放的英文歌曲是什么有很多球迷朋友还不知道,小编在这里就为大家介绍一下这首好听的英文歌叫什么名字。   这首歌的名字就叫:Phoenix   同时也是英雄联盟S9赛季总决赛曲:涅槃(Phoenix)   1441141305.jpg   Phoenix:   曲:Mako Alex Seaver/拳头游戏团队   制作:拳头游戏团队/Mako组合 Alex Seaver   编外制作:Scott "Noisecastle III" Bruzenak   主歌混音:Eric J   副歌和桥段混音:Tony Maserati   编外副歌和桥段混音:Mako组合 Alex Seaver   母带后期:Bernie Grundman工作室Scott Sedillo   演唱:Cailin Russo/Chrissy Costanza   大提琴独奏:郭婷娜   歌词大意:   What e you willing to lose   你准备牺牲什么   You cover your wounds but underneath them   伤痕累累,掩于心底   A million voices in your head that whisper "Stop now"   纵有千声鬼魅,羁绊于耳   Another twist of the knife turn of the screws   依旧披星执剑,向棘而生   It's all in your mind and it's fighting you   纷繁杂念,决于一刻   Arm yourself a storm is coming   紧握双拳,天启将临   Well kid   孩子   What you gonna do now   你现在该怎么做   It's your reflection looking back to pull you down   还是毁灭,系于一念之间   So are you gonna die today or make it out alive   坠入无尽深渊,或登临永恒之殿   You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly   让鬼魅臣服,你会翱于山巅   Fly Phoenix fly   烈火凤凰,张开双翼   It's time for a new empire   新的王朝,终将降临   Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling   埋葬阴影,挣脱锁链   Phoenix fly   烈火凤凰,浴火飞翔   And now you're playing with matches come out of the ashes   星星之火,足以燎原   Underneath you a million voices in the crowd they're screaming "Stop now"   千声鬼魅,刺耳嗥鸣   Well let 'em swallow their pride you're turning the tide to true believers   就让阴影吞没过去的荣耀,从死亡走向真正的信仰   Got them in the palm of your hand you're playing God now   命运在握,彷如天神下凡   What you gonna do now   你会去向哪里   It's your reflection looking back to pull you down   还是毁灭,系于一念之间   So are you gonna die today or make it out alive   坠入无尽深渊,或登永恒之殿   You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly   征服鬼魅,翱于山巅   Fly Phoenix fly   烈火凤凰,浴火重生   It's time for a new empire   新的王朝,终将降临   Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling   埋葬阴影,挣脱锁链   Phoenix fly   烈火凤凰,浴火飞翔   What you gonna do now   你该去向何方   What you gonna do now   你该去向何方   So are you gonna die today or make it out alive   坠入无尽深渊,或登临永恒之殿   You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly   征服鬼魅,翱于山巅   Fly Phoenix fly   烈火凤凰,浴火飞翔   It's time for a new empire   新的王朝,终将降临   Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling   埋葬阴影,挣脱锁链   Phoenix fly   烈火凤凰,浴火新生   腾讯是由腾讯推出的一款专为国内爱好者打造的软件,包含NBA,,中超,英超等各种赛事直播,更有机会与球员面对面,还有球星签名球衣球鞋等你来拿,喜欢的朋友们快来天畅网下载吧。



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